Saturday, July 25, 2009

OH GOD!! Not the Dentist!

If you've known me for awhile you will know that my kids, well actually just Corey but Ally follows his lead is deathly afraid of the dentist. This last night I did research and found a great kids dentist, all kinds of toys, video games and even cartoons playing on ceiling tv's so they can watch while in the chair. We put Corey first and he was not having it, kicked screamed you name it. So we thought ok, we will have Ally sit there and if she can do it a big boy like Corey can do it. Nope backfired and to make it worse Ally bit the dental assistant. They took us from the open kids room to a back consult room because they said MY kids were scaring all the other kids. We get back there and Corey still will not cooperate and continue to cry and scream and it ends up being at least 4 people holding him down with me at the head so he knows its ok. It was one of the worst experiences of my life.

I guess I really just don't know how to deal with this kind of fear. I mean as a child I was scared of things but was always just pushed to do it. And I guess even as a child I had that person in my head telling me I had to be perfect everyone is watching so crying and screaming was never an option.

Did I mention that last dentist appointment was one of the worst experiences of my life, so here we are over a year later, I KNOW BAD BAD MOMMY, but it was seriously awful and I needed to make sure I could get an appointment where Kevin could go because no way was I doing this alone. I have YET to tell them they are going to the dentist, I'm too afraid of having to drag them in from the car WHICH I HAVE DONE AT PRIOR APPOINTMENTS. I'm thinking I'm going to take them out to breakfast and BUTTER them up with some smiley face pancakes, well smiley face for Ally and and plain only circle nothing else on the plate for Corey. LOL

Wish us luck.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Wiggles - Past & Present

Its been awhile since I've blogged, I know, I know SHAME ON ME. Today I had a deja vu moment and my first thought was I need to blog again. HAHA I'm so lame.

On 2/27/04, Kevin, my mother in law and myself took Corey to see The Wiggles in concert. He was such a HUGE fan that is was seriously one of the most exciting parenthood days.

Here I am with little man way back in 2004

And today in 2009 here I am with my Ally. I wish I would have looked at these old pictures before we went because they had they same light stick for sale. I ALMOST did buy it but was afraid Ally would use it as a sword and that would have been BAD. I stuck with the very soft harmless pillow guitar.
I still can't believe SO MANY years have past and the changes that have happened AND I still can't believe that The Wiggles are still going strong. LOL I really thought that after MY yellow Wiggle couldn't perform anymore and then they replaced him with a younger guy that the Wiggles were done but NOPE they are still going strong. Sam is an ok yellow Wiggle but her could never be as good as my Greg. :op