Friday, July 24, 2009

The Wiggles - Past & Present

Its been awhile since I've blogged, I know, I know SHAME ON ME. Today I had a deja vu moment and my first thought was I need to blog again. HAHA I'm so lame.

On 2/27/04, Kevin, my mother in law and myself took Corey to see The Wiggles in concert. He was such a HUGE fan that is was seriously one of the most exciting parenthood days.

Here I am with little man way back in 2004

And today in 2009 here I am with my Ally. I wish I would have looked at these old pictures before we went because they had they same light stick for sale. I ALMOST did buy it but was afraid Ally would use it as a sword and that would have been BAD. I stuck with the very soft harmless pillow guitar.
I still can't believe SO MANY years have past and the changes that have happened AND I still can't believe that The Wiggles are still going strong. LOL I really thought that after MY yellow Wiggle couldn't perform anymore and then they replaced him with a younger guy that the Wiggles were done but NOPE they are still going strong. Sam is an ok yellow Wiggle but her could never be as good as my Greg. :op