Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gotta Love Family Day

My kids are so fun these days, yes they fight and yes they call me big baby head but I love them to pieces these days. Today we had a lazy morning and then headed to my MIL's for Papas birthday. On the way we dropped off movies and then drove through Taco Bell. To my surprise Corey asked to eat his taco in the car, he didnt want to wait. OMG so he did he ate the whole thing in the car I was so proud, getting either kid to eat these days is a HUGE challenge. After we finished our tacos we got our bathing suits on and went swimming and swimming and more swimming. We had so much fun as a family. The kids are trying to leanr how to swim and all of us were in the water helping and shooting water guns at each other. We finally got out when we were all pruney. Changed into our shorts and ate cheese and crackers and drank some booze, the adults not the kids. After that Papa played chase with the kids, grammy started dinner, dad watched the Discovery channel and mom feel asleep for a much deserved nap. LMAO!! Dinner was done and we chowed on some pork chops, sweet potatoes and corn on the cob with a pear pecan salad. Cant forget the WINE :-) After that we ate the VERY YUMMY cake the kids made for Papa. We bought the chocolate carmel dessert kit and OMG try it sooooo yummy! It was a really good day!!! Got home got the kids in a bath to wash the pool water out of there hair and into bed we all go.

The kids singing Happy Birthday and helping with the candles

Ally did like the sparky candles so she took off, Corey did a real good job helping blow them out

Ally thought the cake was YUMMY!

A very worn out little girl and one tipsy mommy, I love going to my MIL's

Onto the next step..

Boy oh boy it felt great to wake up this morning not NOT think about my passport. Yesterday we went to 3 post offices, 1 ups store and 1 kinkos to get my passport picture taken and then FINALLY mail the whole thing office. Now my passport should be here in 14 days. In the meantime I called my mom and ask how long she was willing to stay with the kids. I talked to her about coming out on the 21st but I MIGHT call back and see if she's willing to coming out the Sunday before then I can not pay tution for Corey for 2 weeks which would pretty much pay for the ticket to fly her out. A win win situation in my eyes. Kevin said his boss has signed all the bonus checks now they are waiting for a client check to come on Monday before they hand out teh checks. Which means our trip should be booked and paid for by Friday next week. I cant explain how much I am looking forward to this vacation with my husband. If yo uknow me Im not very good at relaxing and not stressing but now I feel like I'm way overdue for some REAL R&R and a chance to let loose with my husband and BE HAPPY. Kiddos are up and its already 90 degrees outside, better finish the cake, pick up the house a little and head to my MIL's for some swimming. Pictures to follow as always.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Corey's view on baking cakes

Tomorrow is Papa's birthday and the kiddos are ALL ABOUT THE BIRTHDAY CAKE lately, so we decided to bake Papa a birthday cake. While mom was getting the stuff ready Corey took the camera and took some shots to show us his point of view.

Ally getting in to some trouble
The eggs, ohhh exciting
Do you think there was an accident earlier?
Yes that is mom scraping the table with a knife to get off a FUCKIN fruit roll up
I hope Corey is feeling bad watching mom work
Still trying to get it off

Don't cha love how kids watch you do all the work
He does have an eye for cool angles
Not sure I like where she's going with that gogert


We did actually do some baking. I try to get them involved as much as possible. Corey loved cooking a few years ago and then it fizzled but every once in awhile he will want to help. Ally either isnt at that age yet or just plain not interested but I have notice she wants to help with big brother does.

Corey wanted a picture of all the STUFF

Ally's job with to add the water

Mom showed Corey how to crack the eggs

Whew, we were very close to having eggshells in the cake

Its mixing time

Oh ya he's mine KINDA, I had to coax them into trying the batter, must get that from DAD


The cake smells SO YUMMY, man I hope it tastes as good tomorrow as it smells today. Funny for my birthday I accidently picked up tricked candle, I just wanted the cheapest ones now whenever we go to get candles Corey says we MUST buy the trick ones. So we will see if Papa likes the trick ones tomorrow.

Friday, July 25, 2008

It's Almost Time!!

That's right its coming up quickly, the VERY FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN!! We are so excited!!! Today Corey received his box, and was SO excited to see it came from Disney which to him is Disneyland. It was awesome so I ran with it. Told him I knew how exciting starting kindergarten is so I called Mickey Mouse and he sent the Disneyland mailman to our house with this very special box. It was great he took it hook, line and sinker. Something about that box coming for Mickey Mouse and not just mom buying it from the Disney store online made it that much more special. You should have seen Corey's face when he started taking the stuff out of the box (well you will in a second I ALWAYS have pictures). I ordered I mean Mickey Mouse sent Corey a pair of Red Power Ranger sunglasses, a button up shirt with a Red Ranger onthe back to wear his first day and a Red Power Ranger Jungle Fury backpack with his name on it. I am so
excited Corey loved it and now he CAN'T wait for the first day of school.

Come on mom open the box!
And there are Red Ranger!
Mom, a new backpack!
Let me see MOM!
The shirt's cool but I'm trying on my backpack
I love it MOM!
I'm going to be one COOL Kindergartener

Thursday, July 24, 2008

On, Off, On, Off, On, Off, On just a little different

Boy oh boy who though vacation planning could be so stressful. It was an emotional roller coaster for a few days when we foudn out my MIL was going on a trip to Egypt the same weekend as our vacation and then when I called my mom to see if we could fly her out to babysit her number had been disconnted or my number was blocked. Ugh I was so hurt but I tracked her down and found out she just kinda checked out for awhile. She quit her job, they sold the racetrack, bought a motorcycle and all they do is ride around town all day. Well to each there own, whatever makes you happy. She was thrilled about coming out and spending time with the kids so now the trip is back on again. The passport drama has got us scared, we have to have a passport for Cancun, I have never had one and Kevins is expired. In order to have them here by the time we leave it would have to be expidited which will cost us alot of money, in order to even order our passports we have to have an intenery and we cant get that until we get our check. So now eventhough lounging on the beach or pool in an adult only all inclusive resort is what we really want I think we might have to go the cruise route this time. If we go to Mexico by sea we dont have to have a passport only a birth certificate and drivers license. I still think its going to be a wonderful anniversary trip now I just need to convience Kevin. I got all my slumber party orders in so that just might sweeten up the deal LMAO!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dreaming Tropical

Kevin has been doing AWESOME at work, he loves what he does, he's great at it, people finally are showing him respect and one of the BEST benefits is the quarter bonus checks. When one of his jobs close under budget Kevin gets a piece of the pie and since his company has been rapidly expanding into the casinos and the pie is getting sweeter. Kevin has been great about catching us up on bills and getting us to a place where we can breathe for once. One of the greatest things is that the check at the end of the year will have his big jobs on it and it will be enough for us to put a down payment on a house. With where he is in his job and I'm content with mine I feel confortable putting down roots in Vegas. Do I still hate Vegas YES but us being taken care us and able to breathe like this it is worth staying in Vegas. Hopfully with Corey starting soccer and kindergarten, Ally in tumbling and soon finding a home of our home again we will be able to make some special family friends. Its funny in my life there has always been a ying & yang. When my marriage was rocky I had support of friends and when my marriage is awesome I am missing the close friends part. Eventhough I continue to have an empty spot I am so over the moon that Kevin and I are getting along so well. I can save for the first time in many years I look forward to him coming home and miss him when he's gone. Is my hubby still a WoW addict, YUP, but he has cut back and spends much more time with us as a family and he actually comes to bed with me now at a decent hour than staying up late with the druids. Its funny because I have realized thats all I wanted just for him to acknowledge us, he can play his WoW just as long and he gives us the same amount of attention and time.

Now that I have rambled on as usual ask me why I dreaming TROPICAL?? Come on ask!!!

Kevin has put the bug in my ear and constantly whispering sweet tropical nothings about us taking a TROPICAL GETAWAY FOR TWO!! We dont have much vacation left so it will be a long weekend but spending a long romantic weekend with just the hubster and the beach and chi chi's just gives me shivers. I got so excited I went and bought 2 new bathing suits online since they were having a 50% off sale. Never thinking I would go anywhere special my one bathing suit would have been fine, but somewhere TROPICAL definetly gives me a reason to have 3 bathing suits in my new size. When we went to Cancun for our 5 year anniversary we had a blast but were dreaming and trying for baby #2. The fertility gods I prayed to in Tulem didn't help much but the petri dish worked wonders. This time all that fertility weight physically and mentally will be gone and I can just ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!!! This is so exciting!!!! I just giddy!!! Soon we will be celebrating 9 years of marriage and 15 years together. DAMN has it really been that long? Its about time we REALLY start enjoying each other.

Pictures from our Cancun trip in 2004

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Walli-E, Linens & Rangers

Yesterday we took a family day to the movies, we have taken Corey and his friends or gone by ourselves but haven't dared try to bring Ally. Part of the reason we haven't ventured to the movies with Ally is because she wont sit still, shes overly loud AND it sucks ass that you have to pay $6.50 for a 2 year old who really doesnt undertsand the whole movie experience and will spend most of the time in the hallway getting timeout. And we were right not to bring her, lol, she was not very cooperative but thankfully she passed out the last 30min of the movie. Corey couldn't take his eye's off of Wallie and LOVED the movie, what Ally saw of it she loved Wallie too, me and Kevin just didn't get it. I thought it was just me but Kevin was like "huh" at the end too. Maybe its because we don't like movies that don't speak, it was cute and all but if the robots "talked" like Rosie from the Jetsons I would be more into it. The movie was made for kids and we went to see it for the kids and the kids LOVED it so that is really all that mattered.

Since we were on a side of tiwn we usually aren't by I decided to stop at Anna's Linens to pick up a new comforter and sheets. Spaz dog decided to pee on our bed and thankfully it was on Kevin side because I would not have been a happy camper. Their are some stores I just can't bring Kevin to and one of them is a linen store. I was born with handmade bedspreads and Kevin was born with a silver spoon. To me the thread count of my comforter and sheets doesn't matter as long as they are clean. Kevin swears there is a difference. My trip to pick up a new comforter and sheets ended up with 2 carts full. Ugh. Kevin picked out a lepoard print comforter with matching bedskirt and pillows. Then he picked out a 400 thread count brown staten sheets. Then he headed to pick out two new pillows. I decided since we were replacing our pillows we should replace the kids too. Corey spotted a whole Wallie bedroom set and RIGHT after seeing the movie we were doomed. But I comprised and got Wallie pillow cases for his new pillows. Seeing that we broke us down he reminded us that he peed on his sheets so we ended up getting him new sheets too. I'm so glad Ally doesnt talk much yet or we would have had 3 carts full. Putting all the new bedding on it did force me to pick up our rooms. LOL And I have to say after a restfull nights sleep I JUST MAY BECOME A THREAD COUNT WHORE. Getting a new heavy comforter when it 110 degrees isn't the best idea but damn it feels good to sleep on something new after 9 years of the same old $20 comforter.

You know I used to like the Red Ranger but ummm not anymore. The Red Ranger is very popular with Mr. Corey but doesn't come alone as much as Corey would like. I try to explain that the Power Rangers are a "team" but ummm to Corey the Red Ranger is the "bomb". I checked the mail yesterday and was SO EXCITED that we received all of Corey's kindergarten school information. We know what class he is in and what his teachers name is. August 20th will be meet the teacher night and they gave us a list of stuff the class needs and a list of what your child will need. I made the mistake of reading it outloud but I couldn't help myself I was excited. Right when I mentioned the word backpack I knew I was in trouble. Corey said "I need a backpack for my new school?" and I said yes and he said I HAVE to have a Red Ranger ONLY backpack for kindergarten. Ugh once he said "kindergarten" he had me there and I searched ALL night for a backpack with the ONE AND ONLY RED RANGER. Believe or not I found the worldest most expensive "rare red ranger only" backpack on Amazon and its on its way here now. When I told Corey he was beaming and that made it all worth it, I will take a latte or "gulp" pastry cut just to see him that excited. Between his new backpack and the sketchers (or what he believes are sketchers) I am ONE AWESOME MOM!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 4, 2008 - Happy Independence Day!

The Ruschmann's had a nice relaxing 4th of July. We pretty much did NOTHING all day other than watching tv, movies and playing Wii. Marble Madness has it in for me. Once it started to get dark we ordered pasta from Pizza Hut and then went outside with our neighbors and shot of fireworks. On Friday Kevin took Corey to the fireworks stand and they came home with BAGS. Kevin has no self control when it come to buying fireworks, I knew I should have went with them. Corey was so excited for fireworks but then quickly remember how LOUD they are. My poor little man and his sensory issues. He actually got up the courage to go up and let Kevin help him light a smoke bomb but then BAM!! our neighbors firework malfunctioned and headed straight past the guy into his house. Friggin scary and man we were crapping our pants. Scared Corey and he sat right back down next to me. See that is why we don't go to the Valley of Fire and buy fireworks as much as we would like to. LOL After we were done with our fireworks we piled into Kevin's work truck, made a pit stop at 7 11 for candy and went to park next to the kids school to watch the fireworks that were being set off of the Santa Fe Casino. Kevin and I had a disagreement over where to park, he wanted to park in the construction zone next to the adult video store and I wanted to park in the dirt lot next to the school since they had the school parking lot blocked off. I know we live in Vegas and are going to watch fireworks at a casino but parking next to an 24 hour adult video store is really pushing the "family" limits. I won the arguement and Kevin was kissing my purdy little ass later because we had the PERFECT spot the fireworks went off of the parking structure right in front of us and it was awesome. The kids had a blast.

Ally wondering what going on

One of the many many fountains we bought
Mom and the kiddos "notice Corey's" LOL
Nobody wanted to say cheese
Ally did with her big green eyes

Corey took a picture of some people and their fountain waiting for the big show
The kids in the back of dads trucks waiting for the BIG show

Mom wants to be in the lovefest TOO

Oh no its going to start
My camera sucks but at least I got some decent shots

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Last 9 Years

For the last 9 years I have been struggling with weight, to say yo yo would be an understatment. I went through ALOT of emotional stress with my dad and mom after I graduated high school and skinny Kevin was their to pick up the pieces no matter how much stuff I shoved in my face and what I did to my hair. Things were starting to get normal again and I started going to the gym when Tom died and it put me back where I was and once again Kevin was there to pick me up. When I couldnt take it anymore I moved out and rented a room on my own, since the time my dad changed the locks Kevin's family had taken me in and this time I was on my own and in shock about how I looked. Trying very hard to get my body back on my own sure enough Kevin was there anyways to pick me up. When we finally set a wedding date after an almost 6 year engagement I decided to take a very unhealthy way of losing the weight to fit into a wedding dress and I did it but sure enough it came right back and ten folds because right after we were married I started taking fertility drugs. I was on oral and injectable fertility meds for almost 4 years before we got pregnant with my son. My pregancy with Corey took one hell of a toll on my body and I topped the scaled just shy of 200lbs and he was 6 weeks early. I wore a size 6 at my wedding and when we moved to Las Vegas when Corey was 5 months old I wore at size 16/18. I worked hard to try and lose that weight and bring my blood pressure back down, I finally made it to a size 8/10 but most were 8's. Once I felt healthy we decided to get back on the fertility wagon again and this time with stronger meds. For another 1 1/2 years I was on oral and injectable meds and this time it was much harder to control my hormones. We did 4 IUI's for Corey so with Ally we choose IVF. Before they removed the 17 eggs I looked 3+ months pregnancy and suffered from OHSS. Luckily they got the eggs out in time and we were able to put 2 healthy embies back inside. Even more luckily our Allyson held on and now she's here. My pregnancy with Ally was a little easier than Corey, I still had swelling issues but my bp kept in check the scary part was the gestional diabetes and then Ally being an arythma baby. She's here and we are both healthy. I wanted to reach a goal of a size six by my 30th birthday, well I didn't make it but I felt good about my body. Through the winter I gained some back and really wanted to reach my ultimate goal. Once I turned 30 I choose to focus on my body and grow my hair out. Now that I have just celebrated my 31st birthday I am HAPPY to SHOUT that I have reached my ultimate goal.

I HAVE BROKEN 120 and now wear a size 4!!!!!!!!!!

Did I ever think I would get here after having two babies via c-section along with the complications I had? HELL NO!!! But man it feels so good. I'm here and am maintaing, watching what I eat, the amount I eat and not feeling guilty when I choose to cheat. I am finally saying there is always tomorrow and I will just make it count. It funny how your preceiption of yourself changes your attitude, I really feel better when I look in the mirror and I feel it when I husband looks at me. The guy at Panera tellign me I'm cute and giving me a free pastry helps too. LMAO!!