Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dreaming Tropical

Kevin has been doing AWESOME at work, he loves what he does, he's great at it, people finally are showing him respect and one of the BEST benefits is the quarter bonus checks. When one of his jobs close under budget Kevin gets a piece of the pie and since his company has been rapidly expanding into the casinos and the pie is getting sweeter. Kevin has been great about catching us up on bills and getting us to a place where we can breathe for once. One of the greatest things is that the check at the end of the year will have his big jobs on it and it will be enough for us to put a down payment on a house. With where he is in his job and I'm content with mine I feel confortable putting down roots in Vegas. Do I still hate Vegas YES but us being taken care us and able to breathe like this it is worth staying in Vegas. Hopfully with Corey starting soccer and kindergarten, Ally in tumbling and soon finding a home of our home again we will be able to make some special family friends. Its funny in my life there has always been a ying & yang. When my marriage was rocky I had support of friends and when my marriage is awesome I am missing the close friends part. Eventhough I continue to have an empty spot I am so over the moon that Kevin and I are getting along so well. I can save for the first time in many years I look forward to him coming home and miss him when he's gone. Is my hubby still a WoW addict, YUP, but he has cut back and spends much more time with us as a family and he actually comes to bed with me now at a decent hour than staying up late with the druids. Its funny because I have realized thats all I wanted just for him to acknowledge us, he can play his WoW just as long and he gives us the same amount of attention and time.

Now that I have rambled on as usual ask me why I dreaming TROPICAL?? Come on ask!!!

Kevin has put the bug in my ear and constantly whispering sweet tropical nothings about us taking a TROPICAL GETAWAY FOR TWO!! We dont have much vacation left so it will be a long weekend but spending a long romantic weekend with just the hubster and the beach and chi chi's just gives me shivers. I got so excited I went and bought 2 new bathing suits online since they were having a 50% off sale. Never thinking I would go anywhere special my one bathing suit would have been fine, but somewhere TROPICAL definetly gives me a reason to have 3 bathing suits in my new size. When we went to Cancun for our 5 year anniversary we had a blast but were dreaming and trying for baby #2. The fertility gods I prayed to in Tulem didn't help much but the petri dish worked wonders. This time all that fertility weight physically and mentally will be gone and I can just ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!!! This is so exciting!!!! I just giddy!!! Soon we will be celebrating 9 years of marriage and 15 years together. DAMN has it really been that long? Its about time we REALLY start enjoying each other.

Pictures from our Cancun trip in 2004