Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Last 9 Years

For the last 9 years I have been struggling with weight, to say yo yo would be an understatment. I went through ALOT of emotional stress with my dad and mom after I graduated high school and skinny Kevin was their to pick up the pieces no matter how much stuff I shoved in my face and what I did to my hair. Things were starting to get normal again and I started going to the gym when Tom died and it put me back where I was and once again Kevin was there to pick me up. When I couldnt take it anymore I moved out and rented a room on my own, since the time my dad changed the locks Kevin's family had taken me in and this time I was on my own and in shock about how I looked. Trying very hard to get my body back on my own sure enough Kevin was there anyways to pick me up. When we finally set a wedding date after an almost 6 year engagement I decided to take a very unhealthy way of losing the weight to fit into a wedding dress and I did it but sure enough it came right back and ten folds because right after we were married I started taking fertility drugs. I was on oral and injectable fertility meds for almost 4 years before we got pregnant with my son. My pregancy with Corey took one hell of a toll on my body and I topped the scaled just shy of 200lbs and he was 6 weeks early. I wore a size 6 at my wedding and when we moved to Las Vegas when Corey was 5 months old I wore at size 16/18. I worked hard to try and lose that weight and bring my blood pressure back down, I finally made it to a size 8/10 but most were 8's. Once I felt healthy we decided to get back on the fertility wagon again and this time with stronger meds. For another 1 1/2 years I was on oral and injectable meds and this time it was much harder to control my hormones. We did 4 IUI's for Corey so with Ally we choose IVF. Before they removed the 17 eggs I looked 3+ months pregnancy and suffered from OHSS. Luckily they got the eggs out in time and we were able to put 2 healthy embies back inside. Even more luckily our Allyson held on and now she's here. My pregnancy with Ally was a little easier than Corey, I still had swelling issues but my bp kept in check the scary part was the gestional diabetes and then Ally being an arythma baby. She's here and we are both healthy. I wanted to reach a goal of a size six by my 30th birthday, well I didn't make it but I felt good about my body. Through the winter I gained some back and really wanted to reach my ultimate goal. Once I turned 30 I choose to focus on my body and grow my hair out. Now that I have just celebrated my 31st birthday I am HAPPY to SHOUT that I have reached my ultimate goal.

I HAVE BROKEN 120 and now wear a size 4!!!!!!!!!!

Did I ever think I would get here after having two babies via c-section along with the complications I had? HELL NO!!! But man it feels so good. I'm here and am maintaing, watching what I eat, the amount I eat and not feeling guilty when I choose to cheat. I am finally saying there is always tomorrow and I will just make it count. It funny how your preceiption of yourself changes your attitude, I really feel better when I look in the mirror and I feel it when I husband looks at me. The guy at Panera tellign me I'm cute and giving me a free pastry helps too. LMAO!!