Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 4, 2008 - Happy Independence Day!

The Ruschmann's had a nice relaxing 4th of July. We pretty much did NOTHING all day other than watching tv, movies and playing Wii. Marble Madness has it in for me. Once it started to get dark we ordered pasta from Pizza Hut and then went outside with our neighbors and shot of fireworks. On Friday Kevin took Corey to the fireworks stand and they came home with BAGS. Kevin has no self control when it come to buying fireworks, I knew I should have went with them. Corey was so excited for fireworks but then quickly remember how LOUD they are. My poor little man and his sensory issues. He actually got up the courage to go up and let Kevin help him light a smoke bomb but then BAM!! our neighbors firework malfunctioned and headed straight past the guy into his house. Friggin scary and man we were crapping our pants. Scared Corey and he sat right back down next to me. See that is why we don't go to the Valley of Fire and buy fireworks as much as we would like to. LOL After we were done with our fireworks we piled into Kevin's work truck, made a pit stop at 7 11 for candy and went to park next to the kids school to watch the fireworks that were being set off of the Santa Fe Casino. Kevin and I had a disagreement over where to park, he wanted to park in the construction zone next to the adult video store and I wanted to park in the dirt lot next to the school since they had the school parking lot blocked off. I know we live in Vegas and are going to watch fireworks at a casino but parking next to an 24 hour adult video store is really pushing the "family" limits. I won the arguement and Kevin was kissing my purdy little ass later because we had the PERFECT spot the fireworks went off of the parking structure right in front of us and it was awesome. The kids had a blast.

Ally wondering what going on

One of the many many fountains we bought
Mom and the kiddos "notice Corey's" LOL
Nobody wanted to say cheese
Ally did with her big green eyes

Corey took a picture of some people and their fountain waiting for the big show
The kids in the back of dads trucks waiting for the BIG show

Mom wants to be in the lovefest TOO

Oh no its going to start
My camera sucks but at least I got some decent shots