Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beware of the smart ones

A little background, my hubster had had an issue from day one with our son playing with "girl" stuff. Corey loved loved Dora and wanted the talking backpack but because it was Dora and purple my hubster said no way, I got it anyways :-) Then I wanted to get a play kitchen because at that time Corey like to help me cook and he was like NO WAY kitchen is for girls. UGH, we got it anyways saying it for both him and his sister. Now that Ally is two and likes to play dress up Corey likes to play too and it drives the hubster INSANE. Because I am an AWESOME wifey I took this picture and had it made into a puzzle for fathers day. LMAO he was not pleased.

So this morning the hubster walked into Ally's room and the kids were playing dress up. The hubster told Corey he shouldn't dress up as a girl. Corey says well mom says its ok to dress up as a girl. Great throw mama under the bus. BUT then Corey says to dad if I had a Red Power Ranger dress up I would have to dress up like a girl. DAMN he's GOOD!!! Of course the first thing hubster says to me is get online and get him a power rangers dress up TODAY!!!

LMAO!! Seriously my son is too smart for his britches sometimes.